Road and trains directions

Bellême is located in the department of Orne (61), in the regional natural park of Perche, in Lower Normandy, about 20 km from the train station of Nogent-le-Rotrou (28).

Trains connect Paris (Montparnasse train station) to Nogent every day in 1h40.

La Dragonne is located on the side of the church of Bellême.

By car :

Paris-Belleme: 2 hours
Chartres - Belleme: 1h10
Le Mans - Belleme: 50 mins
Alençon - Bellême: 45 mins

La Dragonne

22 rue Cocquetière

Bellême, 61130, France

[email protected]

06 29 18 41 96

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La Dragonne

22 rue Cocquetière, Bellême, 61130, France

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